Prayer Warfare for our Children

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I surrender my children to you Lord and trust you with the ability to raise them in the fear of the Lord. 
Father awakens the spirits of my children. I command their spirit to become alive and their eyes to see you. As your word says: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Eph 5:14.

I make a commitment Father that my children learn more of you as I love them, and I properly present them before you. I pray that your purpose will be fulfilled in their lives. Father God guide me in all matters concerning them, I should be careful to represent you before them, in everything I say or do. I set godly example for them to follow, I should not be a hypocrite and I should practice what I preach. I should be a provider and a protector for them, to make necessary sacrifice for them, to ensure that they have a wonderful life honouring you all the days of their lives. My expectations of them should come to pass and my children shall see you in my behaviour. 

I pray for a kingdom connection friend who will befriend my children so that they can get revelation of your love. Send the right person in their lives.

I pray that any soul ties be broken over the lives of my children. I put a hedge of protection around my children and I commission the angels to watch over them. “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Ps 34:7

Father God I thank you that you are LORD of my household and I pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

In the name of Jesus Christ your Son, I pray. 



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