A Strategic Prayer and Spiritual Warfare

A Strategic Prayer and Spiritual warfare

I come before you Lord with a heart that is after you and a mind that is focussed on you. I thank you Lord for saving me from myself. In You LORD I have redemption through the blood of your Son Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of my trespasses, according to the riches of Your Grace. 

I surrender completely Lord. I thank you Lord for the fellowship and relationship that you have allowed me to share with you. I thank you for every moment, prayer, word, opportunity that gives revelation and understanding of you. 

Forgive me for the times I had taken you for granted, for moments where I had allowed my focus and discipline to slip. I choose you Lord and all benefits and denounce all ties and fellowship with the world. I have no place in the world and I denounce everything that it offers. You have given me a choice Lord and I choose to be in covenant with you. I have crossed the line of no return and I will not look back. 

Each day I want to grow closer to you and further from this world and be more like you. My reality in Christ is more real and you are right here with me. I have confidence in you lord concerning every situation that I face, every decision I make and every temptation that come my way. 

Give me an ear Lord that will hear your instructions, eyes that will not be deceived and a heart that will remain faithful. My life is built on the foundation that you are the Christ, the son of the living God; you died on the cross for my sins and your blood was shed for me. I exercise total faith and confidence that death was powerless to hold you in the grave and you rose again and stay resurrected every day. I receive your resurrection power and declare there is no dead thing in my life. I AM REDEEMED!

I speak life in everything pertaining to me. I pray Lord that you will breathe life in all my relationships, my home, my studies, and my purpose in life. You restore every bone that has been broken in my body; every organ that has been damaged; every tissue that has been bruised. I pray Lord that the dead branches be pruned for me, whether they are people, unhealthy relationships, environments, ungodly influences, or anything that is not good for me. I distance myself right now and release them from my life in Jesus name. 

I believe LORD that your power will overshadow me like a comforting blanket. Father in the name of Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, I arise to establish my legal right and dominion over my household and every territory you have given me jurisdiction and authority over. According to the Scriptures, you are the only great mighty and dreadful God keeping the covenant and blessings with those that love and keep your commandments and are set apart from the things of the world. 

I appeal to the God of 2 Chronicle 7:13-16 who says that when you shut the heaven, there will be no rain, you can command the locust to devour the land, but if your people shall humble themselves and pray, seek your face and turn from their wicked ways then you will hear from heaven and you will forgive their sin and heal their land. Then your eyes will be open and your ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For now, I have chosen and consecrated my household that your name may be lifted high here forever. 

I present my body as a living sacrifice by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, my saviour and redeemer, make these prayers holy and acceptable unto you Lord. I confess my sins. Let your mercy and grace prevail over us. I pray in the name of your Son Jesus for free passage for my prayers to ascend into the realm of the supernatural and will not be earthbound.

Psalm 141:2 says: May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. I give you thanks and praise for your goodness, your mercy, and your grace. I give thanks for a mind to pray, a heart to seek your face and authority to bring my memories into subjection. I thank you for this moment and the opportunity that each day brings. I know that each day is special, and I pray that You release your power to fight against the demonic activities against the advancement of Your Gospel of grace. 

I am empowered to live my potential. There are no sealers, obstacles in my life that take away my potential that you have blessed me with. Psalm 118:24 says: This is the day the LORD has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the greatest day of my life and I am free to exercise every gifts and talents that you have given me. There are no obstacles and barriers in my life that cannot be overcome. My hopes and dreams can manifest today as I approach this moment with great expectations for miracles, breakthrough, and deliverance. 

Phil 4:6 says - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. I stand before you lord naked, offering no excuses for justification for my shortcomings and weaknesses. I come to you LORD seeking Your will. I pray that you will forgive me my sins, known and unknown, forgive every thought, deeds, actions and motives or intents of my heart that are not aligned to your word, your will or your calling purpose for my life.

Please forgive secret thoughts and uproot any seed of discontent that have been planted in my life. Forgive me Lord if I have wronged anyone and help me to restore the relationship with every person that I have wronged. Just as you forgive me, I forgive those who have wronged me. I let go of any heart of bitterness and ill will that I must let go in my life. I will not allow sin and bitterness to cut off the supply of blessings into my life. I repent right now in the name of Jesus and I receive the power of the blood that cleanse me from all iniquity.

I thank you Lord that I have inherited life with your sacrifice, forgiveness for my sin with your blood, revelation through your word, empowered from your Spirit and I can lift up holy hands to worship you. I take precious time lord to fully grasp and consider what my relationship with you means. Help me to never lose sight of the fact that I have an adversary that must be fought every day. 

My adversary is Satan. I am not ignorant of the designs of Satan and his princes to destroy me in the allurement of pleasure whose purpose is to rob me from my inheritance through Christ. The hope that I have is to walk patiently in your word. The world cannot strip me of my covenant that I have with you, but I can hand it over. 

I will not be deceived from what I see or hear or feel. If it is not of God, it is for my destruction. Help me Lord to see the spirit behind those temptations. The word tells me that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus came so that I have life and life more abundantly. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke and bind every spirit that tend to draw me away from God’s presence for it is nothing more than a gateway to hell to rob me of my eternal rewards. Father I know that you know all things and there is nothing that is impossible to you. Right now, Lord, I remember my first love and I am prepared to exercise faith in the light of my circumstances to sacrifice my own desires in order to embrace yours. 

I will not be ashamed to follow in the footprints of Christ in the face of persecutions. I am prepared to live like Jesus lived. I release my faith right now in the name of Jesus CHRIST, the Messiah, in whatever situation that comes my way regardless of the odds. 

I will be steadfast and going on. The words of this prayers will uplift my spirit man. I commission the angels to go before me and prepare my path. I stand in the gap for my family and friends. 

As I hear the words of this prayer, my body is regenerating itself. My body is preparing itself for another productive day. My body is developing according to your plan and health is being released in all my organs, tissues, bones, bodily systems, veins, arteries, and muscles. My brain is functioning with the information consistent with the Word of God and filtering out everything that is not of you. My heart is being protected of every ungodly influence and my innocence is being guarded. I have a sound mind that is saturated in your word. 

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood I rebuke any evil spirit that is attached with me in any way, shape, or form. They have no place in my life. They cannot enter my eyes, my ears, my mind, and my heart.  

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I rebuke and caste down any curse that has been said over me. I decree by the power of the lamb and the power given to me as joint heir with Christ; I will not be a victim of emotional abuse. I decree that I will not be a covenant breaker; that my no is no, and my yes is yes. I pray Lord that you protect me from all pain and danger. 

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I have the patience of Job, the meekness of Moses, the heart of David, the favour of Joseph, the ear of Samuel, the courage of Joshua, the wisdom of Daniel, the zeal of Peter, the love of John, the faithfulness of Abraham, the boldness of Paul, I abide in the fruits of the Spirit all the days of my life. Even as these fruits are becoming evident in me, Lord help me to be a person of great faith. Consistent in good deeds, a constant encourager, I will continue to love you with all my heart, my body, soul, and spirit, and to love my neighbour as myself.

In the name of Jesus and the power of His blood, I pray Lord that you are first in everything that I do and that I have no greater priority than yours all the days of my life. I am eternally connected to you. In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I pray that my faith is in you always and that your angels care for me and will deliver me. Lord touch my mouth and put your word in it. I will go wherever you send me. I am not afraid because you are with me. Father you are my provider, my guide, and my comforter and most of all my LORD. 

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood I put myself under the whole armour of God and I am covered from head to toe in every aspect of my life. There should not be any part of my life that should be exposed from the inside and out, but all should be covered by the blood of Jesus. In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I put on the helmet of salvation, I have been redeemed from all traces of poverty, and I rebuke and bind the spirit of poverty, you will supply for all my needs according to your riches and glory, according to your divine will. I am blessed all the days of my life. 

In the name of Jesus, I speak of good harvest in my life according to your will. I speak of financial security over my family and the perfect will of God in my life. In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I rebuke the power of untimely death over me, or death will not have any hold over me. I shall fulfil all the days of my life; I have a divine order over me, and death has no grip on me. 

Father God you are an awesome God, you are not a million miles away, you are right here with me and every day, you walk with me, you talk to me, and guide me every step of the way, you love me, and I rest in you, and I know you are my God.

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I have been empowered with the sword of the Spirit. I rejoice and celebrate that my name is written in the book of life. The Word of the Lord should never depart from me, and I speak boldness into my spirit. I rebuke and cast down the spirit of fear. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says: For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power, love, and self-control. You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and sound mind. When I walk through the waters you are with me, when I walk in the fire, the flames will not burn me, you have set your love upon me, and you protect me all the days of my life.

Matt 26:41 says: Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. In the name of Jesus and the power of His blood, the shield of faith is an extension of my arm. My faith will not fail me, and I trust in the Lord with all of my heart, mind and body, soul, and spirit. You will not withhold any good things from me. I fortify my faith in you and release the promises of God into my life. Every word you have said into my life shall be accomplished and my enemy shall not prevail over me. 

In the name of Jesus and the power of His blood, I confess wholeness in my life, patience to wait on God and security in Christ as my husband. I am a person who has been saved by grace, I will not compromise my covenant with God nor will I allow fear to cause me to doubt God and operate in a fleshly way, I exercise free and total control over my mind, my will and my emotion and I will not leave any door for Satan to sneak in.

I understand that not every relationship is for me, every person does not have my best interest. In the name of Jesus, I will not be distracted by counterfeits and wolves in sheep clothing. I will not lower my biblical expectations nor will I give in to the pressures of the world. I have total confidence in God. 

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I surrender my children to you Lord and trust you with the ability to raise them in the fear of the Lord. I make a commitment Father that my children learn more of you as I love them, and I properly present them before you. I pray that your purpose will be fulfilled in their lives. 

Father God guide me in all matters concerning them, I should be careful to represent you before them, in everything I say or do. I set godly example for them to follow, I should not be a hypocrite and I should practice what I preach. I should be a provider and a protector for them, to make necessary sacrifice for them, to ensure that they have a wonderful life honouring you all the days of their lives. My expectations of them should come to pass and my children shall see you in my behaviour. 

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I seal my soul to the word of this covenant. it is the declaration of my heart and every word is lined up with the perfect will of God. I allow the Lord Jesus Christ to be the sole arbitrator of my mind and heart and that I am always pleasing in the sight of God. I thank you Lord that you love and hear me. I thank you that you have a fellowship with me. I thank you that these words should be established in my mind and my heart and that you should always direct my path. Thank you for this life and who I am in Christ Jesus.

Father God I thank you that you are LORD of my household and I pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.



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