
Showing posts from February, 2024

What is a WOMAN according to Scriptures?

  Creation was perfect  but  incomplete without the woman The LORD God made a new creature call "woman" expressly to complete man. The design of "woman" is in harmony with Creation as a whole, with her biology and with her psychology; in Genesis chapter 2, the Scriptures tell us that she was created to be a HELPER to Adam because Adam was incomplete.  Gen. 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.  Gen. 2:21  And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; Gen. 2:22  And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made a woman, and brought her unto the man. Gen. 2:23  And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. In Genesis chapter 3, we read another word that captures what &qu

A Strategic Prayer and Spiritual Warfare

A Strategic Prayer and Spiritual warfare I come before you Lord with a heart that is after you and a mind that is focussed on you. I thank you Lord for saving me from myself. In You LORD I have redemption through the blood of your Son Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of my trespasses, according to the riches of Your Grace.  I surrender completely Lord. I thank you Lord for the fellowship and relationship that you have allowed me to share with you. I thank you for every moment, prayer, word, opportunity that gives revelation and understanding of you.  Forgive me for the times I had taken you for granted, for moments where I had allowed my focus and discipline to slip. I choose you Lord and all benefits and denounce all ties and fellowship with the world. I have no place in the world and I denounce everything that it offers. You have given me a choice Lord and I choose to be in covenant with you. I have crossed the line of no return and I will not look back.  Each day I want to grow closer

Prayer Warfare for our Children

In the name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I surrender my children to you Lord and trust you with the ability to raise them in the fear of the Lord.  Father awakens the spirits of my children. I command their spirit to become alive and their eyes to see you. As your word says: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Eph 5:14. I make a commitment Father that my children learn more of you as I love them, and I properly present them before you. I pray that your purpose will be fulfilled in their lives. Father God guide me in all matters concerning them, I should be careful to represent you before them, in everything I say or do. I set godly example for them to follow, I should not be a hypocrite and I should practice what I preach. I should be a provider and a protector for them, to make necessary sacrifice for them, to ensure that they have a wonderful life honouring you all the days of their lives. My expectations of them should come to pass and my ch

Jesus Presents the Nature of the Mission of the Kingdom of God

Matthew 12:1-8 Specific instances of Israel’s Rejection of Jesus The Jewish Religious Leaders reject the Jewish Messiah Mathew shows that opposition to Jesus comes from 2 main sources: 1. The animosity of the religious leaders. 2. The indifference of the common Israelites. Central to the plot of Matthew’s narrative is the element of conflict. The principal conflict pits Israel against Jesus and the death and resurrection of Jesus constitute the primary resolution of this conflict. On another level, Jesus also struggles with His own disciples. Here He needs to bring them to understand the nature of His mission. The conflict is to bring them to overcome their “little faith” and to avail themselves of the great authority that Jesus has given them and above all, to lead them to comprehend the essence of discipleship is servanthood. This chapter plays an important turning point in this Gospel. It brings before us the full rejection of the Kingdom. After this chapter we do not hear

The Jewish Religious Leaders reject the Jewish Messiah

Matthew Chapter 12A The Jewish Religious Leaders reject the Jewish Messiah Specific instances of Israel’s Rejection of Jesus  Mathew shows that opposition to Jesus comes from 2 main sources: 1. The animosity of the religious leaders. 2. The indifference of the common Israelites. This chapter plays an important turning point in this Gospel. It brings before us the full rejection of the Kingdom. After this chapter we do not hear the Kingdom being preached to Israel.  Let us investigate who were the religious leaders.  Who were the Jewish Groups at the Time of the New Testament? When Jesus began to proclaim the gospel, the Sadducees, Essenes, and Pharisees were also laying claim to Israel's heritage. Josephus mentions the groups for the first time during the high priesthood of Jonathan (152-143 BC) after the demise of the Zadokite priesthood, which had dominated the religious life of Judea for centuries.  The Essenes eventually dropped out of public life and became a network of cl

Jésus-Christ, le Messie juif expliqué - Matthieu chapitre 11

Israël et Son Messie - donné pour le salut de tous Observation et Interprétation de Matthieu 11 1. L'identité du Messie (Matthieu 11 :2-6) : Matt. 11 :1 Lorsque Jésus eut achevé de donner ses instructions à ses douze disciples, il partit de là, pour enseigner et prêcher dans les villes du pays. Matt. 11 :2 Jean, ayant entendu parler dans sa prison des oeuvres du Christ, lui fit dire par ses disciples : Matt. 11 :3 Es-tu celui qui doit venir, ou devons-nous en attendre un autre ? Matt. 11 :4 Jésus leur répondit : Allez rapporter à Jean ce que vous entendez et ce que vous voyez : Matt. 11 :5 les aveugles voient, les boiteux marchent, les lépreux sont purifiés, les sourds entendent, les morts ressuscitent, et la bonne nouvelle est annoncée aux pauvres. Matt. 11 :6 Heureux celui pour qui je ne serai pas une occasion de chute ! Le passage commence avec des questions de Jean-Baptiste ; il est en prison et il envoie ses disciples pour demander si Jésus est le Messie qui a été promis e