
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Discipleship Prayer

God of love, source of mercy and compassion, weave your dream for the world into the fabric of our lives.  Remove the scales from our eyes and lift the indifference from our hearts, so that we may see your vision – a new reign of justice and compassion that will renew the earth. Transform our lives, so that we may accomplish your purpose. Anoint us with your spirit of love that we might bring good news to the oppressed, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim release to the captive. Give us a new urgency and a new commitment to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and visit those who live in isolation. Help us to reach out to those whom no one else will touch, to accept the unacceptable, and to embrace the enemy. Surround us with your love, fill us with your grace, and strengthen us for your service. Empower us to respond to the call of Jesus – to deny ourselves, to take up our crosses, and to follow. Make us your disciples. Amen


DISCIPLESHIP Jesus commands his 12 disciples for service Matthew chapter 10   The angels announced peace and goodwill to men at the birth of Christ. Imagine the shock when Jesus told his disciples that he brought a sword to divide. The purpose and only purpose of the gospel of Christ is not to divide, but the effect of the gospel message of Jesus in a family or society will divide the culture of the family and society because God is calling His children to be holy and set apart.  We now have peace with God, our Creator, for ever.  Ultimately, the Messiah will bring peace to the world because He is the King of Peace and He will reign over us in an earthly kingdom for a thousand years.  Jesus' missionary discourse is the center of Christ’s ministry. He calls his 12 disciples and sends them to proclaim the coming of his kingdom. He first showed His disciples who He is, He revealed Himself as the King of the Jews, prophesied by the prophets; Jesus authenticated His authorit

Comment être un disciple pour Jésus ?

  Jésus commande ses 12 disciples pour le service Mathieu chapitre 10 Les anges ont annoncé la paix et la bonne volonté aux hommes à la naissance du Christ. Imaginez donc le choc quand Jésus dit à ses disciples qu’il a apporté une épée pour diviser. Le but et le but de l’Évangile du Christ n’est pas de diviser, mais l’effet du message de l’Évangile de Jésus dans une famille divisera la culture de la famille et de la société. La paix dont Jésus parle, est La paix que nous avons avec Dieu, notre créateur, pour toujours. En fin de compte, le Messie apportera la paix et Il règnera sur nous dans un royaume terrestre pendant mille ans.  Le discours missionnaire de Jésus est le centre du ministère de Christ. Il appelle ses 12 disciples pour les envoyer proclamer la venue de son royaume. Il a au préalable montrer à ses disciples qui Il est, Il s’est révélé comme le Roi des Juifs, prophétisé par les prophètes ; Jésus a authentifié son autorité de Messie en faisant des miracles que seulement Lui