
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Line of the Messiah

THE PATRIARCHS' LIVES     Moses is focusing on one point in the whole book of Genesis. Who will carry the line of the promised seed of the Messiah Promised by God in the garden   God has promised to bring salvation to the world through a seed, a seed He has chosen.   And when that seed arrives, God would have provided a complete genealogy from Adam to the Messiah to ensure that we can trace the Messiah’s claim. Those genealogies are then demonstrated in Luke and Matthew.   Gen. 5:3 “When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.” In v3, Moses emphasizes that this child was born in the likeness and image of Adam. The words likeness and image are important here.   First the word for likeness in Hebrew is demuth , which means in the pattern of – an exact replica. Like we cut a dress as per a pattern, it will follow the exact measurements and shape.   And the word for image is tselem and means

Prayer 101 - God is Our Father

  Are you praying correctly? The Lord’s Prayer is Every Disciple’s Prayer   “Prayer honours God; it dishonours self” [1] Prayer begins and ends NOT with the needs of man but with the glory of God. [2] Our prayer should be concerned primarily with:      1.   who God is,      2.   what He wants, and      3.   how He can be glorified.   Those who teach otherwise are not preoccupied with the extension of Christ’s kingdom or the glory of God’s name. But they are only concerned with their own agendas. To believe that God is really some kind of genie, waiting to grant our every desire, flies in the face of Scripture’s clear teaching.   The Old Testament Saints knew they were to recognise God in His rightful place and bring their wills into conformity with His.   While in the whale belly, Jonah did not cry out of his own predicament for his sake. Instead, he said: “When my life was fainting away, I remembered the LORD, and my prayer came to you, into your hol