
Showing posts from July, 2021

What does it mean to you to follow Jesus?

Let us see how Simon responded... We are now in the gospel of Matthew with the author’s account of Jesus last moments on earth. Jesus has been condemned by Pilate in the Antonian Fortress and Matthew moves directly from Pilate’s condemnation of Jesus to Jesus with His cross headed to his execution site outside the city walls.   Bible text - Matthew 27:32 “As they were coming out, they found a man of Cyrene named Simon, whom they pressed into service to bear His cross.”   First let us understand what is happening. Jesus is leaving the Antonian Fortress where Pilate condemned Him before the crowds. The actual distance that Jesus would have walked from the Antonian Fortress to the crucifixion site is roughly about 500 meters. Given a normal person’s walk, this distance in about 15 minutes.   But given the debilitating state following the beatings, scourging, and sleepless nights this is an ordeal for Jesus. This is a real challenge.   The Romans forced the condemned to

The First Murder

  Depravity of Man and the Sovereignty of God Genesis Chapter 4   It is important to understand the Scriptures as it was intended by the writer. Here we see how Hebrew, the original language brings out the full light of the language of the text. Just bear that in mind. Adam and Eve begin their life outside the Eden Garden as a married couple. Gen. 4:1 Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD,”   Man’s way v/s God’s way The chapter opens with Adam and Eve having their first child. His name is Cain, and the Hebrew translation of the end of the first verse says: “I have received boy: Jehovah”. Cain ( Kaian ) means to give form. Eve is announcing that she has given birth to God in the form of a boy child. She remembers what God had told her that she will bring a child who would crush Satan. She is overjoyed and imagines that she has given birth to the promise