
Showing posts from June, 2021

Our beginnings

  The Fall – Genesis chapter 3   God carefully created two people who were unique in their construction and purpose. They were granted the unique ability to relate to the Creator and respond to Him.   Their nature was free and innocent and the purpose in their creation was to glorify God and serve Him.   Both Adam and Eve were innocent. They were the only two people (beside Jesus) who had free will because they lacked the capacity to understand either good or evil, in relation to the other. It is like someone who has not been exposed to darkness, cannot understand light.   We see in chapter three of Genesis; the purpose of creation is revealed in the fall of man and the plan of God to redeem man.   God gave a single prohibition to Adam, which became the test of their willingness to follow Him fully. It was NOT a trap, yet without such a test, there could be no true relationship because they would not know the nature of God and how He responds to sin. Without the fall,
 Genesis The creation narrative will explain that both man and woman are unique and made in the image of God, in likeness and dignity. Genesis 1:1 says: “In the beginning God” tells us that God existed before anything because He is the author of our beginnings. Every man has contemplated the question of where did everything begin? The reason the unbelieving world has no answer for what came before everything is because they limit their sources of information to what already exists. We must be willing to accept that there was a source of all things, which implies authority and a higher power. God created the world out of nothing (ex nihilo). Genesis 1:2 says: “The earth was without form and void”. Creation was formless and void with the Spirit “ hovering ” [1] , the Hebrew word for hovering is rachaph which translate fluttering. The Hebrew word for formless is tohu , which means confusion and without meaning, and the word for void is bohu which means empty, a vacuum. There was da