Happy new year!

2020 was said to be a very promising year for many. I remember the news and church elders predicted a peaceful year with a lot of success and prosperity during that year.


But it turned out to be a very cruel irony.

COVID-19 happened and stayed.


Let me ask you: How did you feel a few weeks after hearing the news of COVID19?


To be honest, I personally, did not believe that it would break the world health system that much. I trusted in the science and technology and never thought that it would handicap us that much.


Yet, we all felt inadequate and unsure about the way forward. We were cut short in our path.

The mothers felt helpless to protect their children.


The fathers struggled to make things happen to brighten the day for their families.


Many lost their jobs.


The Priest or the Pastor hopelessly wants to reassure his flock.


In the 21st century of enlightenment, when we believe we have all the knowledge, we were forced to stop and ask - where is the science? where is the technology? What is going on? Why are we not in control?


Today a small virus has brought the whole world to its knees. We are helpless!

Do you believe that God is in Control of this universe? Do you believe He is Sovereign and All Mighty? 

When we turn to God, we question our status and well being. 


Has God abandoned US? Does that mean we have no hope anymore?


Life is here for a moment and then it is gone. This has become our new reality this year. We get to appreciate the small blessings.


We lost nearly 2 million people to COVID-19 this year. Tonight, is New Year’s Eve, and as I am writing this message I wonder whether you were feeling apprehensive to wish your loved one’s happiness and prosperity while you crossed over


Jeremiah 29:11 says:

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. We have been taught too much that God only brings you YOUR BEST. In fact, God brings to you HIS BEST; to educate and teach us so that we are purified and sanctified.  

I plead with you my friends:

Do not make God your servant. Without knowing, we do that so often. We have become complacently arrogant because we call ourselves special because we are Christians. We never earned that salvation! It was a gift from God. It was given to you by grace. Jesus suffered Spiritual Death because of our sins. Jesus was abandoned by his Father on the cross. And it was the plan of salvation for us. Being Christian is to Be Like Christ. Follow in His example. 



Do not use the Scriptures as a Recipe Book for your benefit. Stop using verses out of context to confess prosperity in your lives.


God is sovereign and He is Almighty. His Word is His only message to us. Use it with diligence and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us His Word as It was meant to be received


This verse in Jeremiah has been used to empower many. Many have used this verse to speak prosperity to their life on earth; for better jobs, increased wealth, better health, improved family life. Many practice positive confession to earn prosperity in their lives and that of their family, in order not to miss out on blessings.


There is nothing wrong to want prosperity. There is a time for everything. We are citizen of a different kingdom. We are servants on this earth. Our prosperity is with our Lord when we will reign with HIM. Until then, we are His bondservants. A bondservant is a slave. A slave has a master. Our Master is God Himself, the LORD. 


What is the Prophet Jeremiah telling us here? Let us look at the context of this verse. It is vital to understand what God is telling us here. When we understand this passage of Scripture, it will help us to understand the relationship of God with His children.



Here the Speaker is God (Jeremiah 29:4, ESV)

The Audience is the Exiles of Israel in 597BC and the people of Judah follows afterwards (Jeremiah 29:4, ESV)


Who sent Israel into exile?  In Jeremiah 25:8, the LORD calls the oppressor of Israel, King Nebuchadnezzar, his servant and uses the horrific character of this King to devote the exiles to destruction, to make them a horror, a hissing, and an everlasting desolation. And the LORD also says in verse 12, that after 70 years, the LORD will punish that King and the nation of Babylon for their inequity.


 As a believer of God, a Born again Christian, I believe God is speaking to us. And He wants us to hear Him. 

Is COVID the oppressor today? Is that pandemic like the king of Babylon, to devote us to exile and desolation? 

Has God allowed this pandemic to take over our lives, like the King of Babylon did in 597BC, when the LORD allowed the Oppressor to take over the freedom of the people of Israel?

One thing is certain. God will not tolerate sins and disobedience. God will use the devil to punish us. That is certain my friends.



When I realised that we were in a pandemic, the words of the Scribe Ezra came to mind:

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)


 God Almighty is calling for a global forgiveness for our sins. God Almighty is calling us for:

 National and personal Prayer
A sincere longing for God


Our Societies is dominated by anti-God philosophies and worldviews. God has been removed from public discourse; prayer has been banned from public arena; agnosticism and humanism dominate public policy.



The Scripture is clear; a spiritual renewal brought about through the preaching of the Gospel is the true pathway to divine healing. What is needed is not merely moral reform but spiritual regeneration. And unless this occurs on a widespread scale that deeply impacts all of our society, we will continue to forfeit the true blessing of God for our nations.



The healing of our nation must begin in the house of GOD.



The process starts with Personal Repentance.

If Christians really want to see God’s blessing in our society, we ought to be models of genuine contrition and humility rather than merely pointing fingers of blame at the evils of secular society.



The Church today is in serious state of spiritual decline.

Wake Up Church of God, listen to the voice of your LORD, Pray, Repent and Humble your heart, He will surely come to cure the spiritual malaise of our nations.

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel
O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel


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