Happy new year!
2020 was said to be a very promising year for many. I remember the news and church elders predicted a peaceful year with a lot of success and prosperity during that year. But it turned out to be a very cruel irony. COVID-19 happened and stayed. Let me ask you: How did you feel a few weeks after hearing the news of COVID19? To be honest, I personally, did not believe that it would break the world health system that much. I trusted in the science and technology and never thought that it would handicap us that much. Yet, we all felt inadequate and unsure about the way forward. We were cut short in our path. The mothers felt helpless to protect their children. The fathers struggled to make things happen to brighten the day for their families. Many lost their jobs. The Priest or the Pastor hopelessly wants to reassure his flock. In the 21 st century of enlightenment, when we believe we have all the knowl...