Jesus is Alive

This is the reflection of a very special woman after Jesus is risen at the tomb. A narrative of Mary Magdalene. 

I, Mary Magdalene, was commissioned by Jesus, the Rabbi, to tell his brothers that he is risen.

The first commission of Jesus was given to a woman. But then, we don’t see her anymore after that morning. I have been reading about Mary Magdalene and I have been greatly encouraged to imagine her last week with her LORD.

Let us read the story of that brave woman and listen to her heart and be empowered by her passion for her Christ.

A poetic rendering of the first witness of our Risen Lord!

Her story may have been as follows: 

"How can I even start to describe everything that has happened over the last few days? It all seems unbelievable; I still have not been able to wrap myself around it. I feel like I am in a nightmare.

I have not really slept for the last week or so. There has been so many events since we arrived in Jerusalem. The day before our travels, we were invited to dinner at Lazarus house, a close friend of our Messiah. I remember pouring oil on Jesus’ feet before dinner. I can still smell the aroma that it gave to the house that evening, it was full of warmth and sweetness, just like my LORD.

When we arrived in Jerusalem a few days back, Jesus went to the temple for Yom Kippur, the day of sacrifice. Jesus was so sad and angered at the pharisees because they were trading in the temple. I had never seen Jesus’ anguish like this before, you can see he was in agony because the people did not give reverence to the sacrifices to honour Yahweh.

After dinner on Wednesday, Jesus was arrested. I could not believe it. I could not understand why Judas betrayed our Rabbi. We spent all night praying for him, hoping that he will be released. But then came Thursday, Passover, the worst day of my life. Anyone’s nightmare, my sweet lord, tortured and crucified. He was flagellated and carried his cross climbing up the hill to Golgotha. The Roman soldiers were so horrible and cruel. And I just could not help my Lord.

Nothing can efface the image of my LORD's tormented dying body on the cross from my eyes. I have cried every tear I had until there were none left in me. I was in total agony and shock. His death was my death too. How can I live if my lord is dead?

Then, this morning happened. I still cannot believe what I saw, what I heard!

I woke up early before sunrise, I took perfume and left Jerusalem by the Garden gate. I wanted to be alone to pray. I needed to be alone after what had happened. I needed to see the tomb again. I needed to see my dead Lord just once more. I did not want to wait for anyone. I wanted to say my own goodbye to the one I loved the most. I was not ready to let him go.

He IS everything to me.

How could the one who had cleansed me of evil spirits be dead? The person who cured the blind and fed the thousands. How is that even possible? Why would they kill him in such a brutal way?

After I left the house in the early hours that morning, it felt as though I had left my body behind. I was numb. Every detail is still seared in my mind now. I remember walking up the hill and seeing his bloodied body from afar. He was so thirsty, and I could not even offer him some water because the soldiers barricaded the road. The agony of my LORD being taken away from me.  And there was nothing I could do to help him. The memories of his teaching are all I have.

As I was walking in the dark morning, I could feel the dew in the grass under my feet as I dragged my body uphill. The sun shed a silver light in the horizon. There was an unnatural stillness in the air, as if the whole world was waiting for something to happen.
I thought I heard something. At that moment, I just flung to the ground. The jar I was carrying fell and broke. I looked beyond the tree towards the tomb. I could not believe my eyes. I could not see the rock that shut the tomb. I ran but my legs hardly caught up. It was open. How can that be? Had someone taken his body? Haven’t they done enough? Why take the body of my lord? I wanted to see him for the very last time and anoint him.
I started crying because I could not see my Lord anymore. I just wanted Jesus. I wanted to see him one last time.

I walked to the tomb, tears rolling down my cheeks. I could not see his body. He was gone. I will never see him again. Ever!

Then I saw a man, as I approached him, I heard him. I heard his voice. I know this voice from anywhere. It was the voice of my lord. I say. It was my LORD.

But then how can that be since he is dead??

He said it again: Mary! My whole world just turned upside down. He is the only one who calls me like this. He said: Mary and it was HIS voice.
I wanted to shout “Rabbi” but my voice cracked. I turned around and saw my lord. Jesus.

I fell at his feet and clung to him. Jesus is alive. I could not believe my eyes.
My life was not over. There he was, my Jesus, my Lord, in the flesh. Jesus is Alive!

I will never forget these words ever again. He spoke and said: “Do not hold on to me Mary, it is time to let me go! But I have a task for you. Tell my beloved brothers that I am alive, and I will meet them in Galilee. I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”

I looked into the eyes of Jesus. They were brimming with love and boundless, joyful life. He was healed all over. He had such a beautiful glow in his eyes, I’ll never forget it. The horror, weariness and agony of grief were lifted in an instant and I felt light as a feather.

Soon after, he was gone.

But I now know that my Jesus is not dead. He is alive. I have to tell the brothers.
I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I was overjoyed and excited to share the good news to the world.

When I got to the door, they were startled to see me that early. They were confused to see how joyous I was after last week’s events.

I finally told them. Jesus is Alive. He appeared to me. I told them what he said. Everybody just stared at me, I was deliriously happy telling them and repeating myself. Some of my brothers were upset because they were asking, why would Jesus speak to a woman, and not to them, his disciples?

I was so happy that I just kept repeating myself: He is Risen! Come and see. Jesus is not in the tomb. Even Death could not hold him.

Simon, I said, this whole time, we were looking for change in the world. But the kingdom is here. Now! Jesus is crowned our King.

The kingdom is not something we can see with our eyes. The kingdom is here, within us.

All we have to do is let go of our anguish and our resentment then we will become like children, just like he said.

There is only one true kingdom. It is the kingdom of God and it is taking root now.

Jesus is the cornerstone of this kingdom. He is our crowned king, and He has risen.
Remember the message of our Lord. We must wash away the stain of corruption and be born anew like children. The kingdom grows within us, with every act of love and care and forgiveness.

We have the power to lift the people just as Jesus did, and we will be free just like he is. 

Mary Magdalene, the first evangelist:

Simon, I said, you have always been so hot tempered. How does it feel to carry the anger of the world on your heart? Does it lessen as the days go by?

We have the power to relieve the sufferings in the world. It is up to us. The world will only change as we change.

I could see the boys were talking among themselves. And I told them: Why did Jesus speak to a woman?

Don’t you see, Jesus always does things that becomes a conflict to our thinking because he is challenging our contemporary mentality. The kingdom can be built through the conflict not by opposition, not by destruction, but built on our love and care.

Jesus referred to the mustard seed that grew in a big tree in the parable, this is the Kingdom of God. There is a great tree within you that does not change, summer, or winter, and its leaves do not fall. The root of this tree is your body and the trunk that will grow out of you will be the Spirit that is being regenerated by the Spirit of Jesus. The fruit of this tree will not kill you, like the one that killed Adam and Eve, but this fruit will give you and whoever will want to eat, life, it will grant the light of the Spirit that is eternal life.

Those who want to climb on this tree must free themselves of the world, otherwise the root of the tree will consume you and die.

Love and compassion are the language of the kingdom of God. Before you can eat of its fruit and gain nourishment, you must be free of all judgement and wrath.
When you have freed yourself of these burdens, you may eat the fruit and gain the love and compassion that will allow you to grow as a witness for Jesus.

My brothers and I, sat down together and reflecting on the last words of Jesus: “I will not leave you orphans. When the Father goes away, it is the mother who tends to his children”. He had also said that the one who loves him is also loved by his Spirit and he told us to wait for his Spirit. The Spirit will be our leader and our mother who will nurture us.

Jesus is Alive.


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