
Showing posts from September, 2019

Amazing Grace

Your Journey to Grace In my last blog, I shared that we inherited the sinful nature in Adam, the first man. Depravity entered the world. Corruption invaded the human realm and none of us can escape. I would like to clarify that sin did not originate with Adam. There was sin prior to Adam. Lucifer, that great archangel fell from grace because of his pride 1 , he was the first and original sinner. Sin entered into the world and he introduced it to mankind. Adam became the agent of the devil. Now what kind of death was it? Adam did not die physically after he had sinned. The Bible says that he lived 930 years (Genesis 5:5 2 ). Therefore, he did not die on the spot after his sin. He was separated from God. It was a spiritual death that separated him from the presence of God. There are three kinds of death: Spiritual death is the separation from God. Paul talks about it in his letter to the Colossians, where he says that we are dead in our trespasses and sin 3 .

Life in Christ

Why do we die? Death reigns The idiom: ‘The black camel, death, kneels once at each door and each mortal must mount to return nevermore’ is to tell us that death is inevitable. The whole earth is pock-marked by graves. We cannot escape it. The world data recorded 55.51m people died in 2017-18 1 . That is shocking, it’s like the whole population of  United Kingdom. Now the question comes to mind. Why do people have to die? How is it that death reigns in the world? Whether you are old or young, poor or rich, death will knock at your door one day in your life. Life – a gift from God I am not going to talk about death today. Rather I will share about life that is a gift from God. The passage I am sharing today is to follow the teachings of Apostle Paul who explains that the deed of one man can affect many. That’s the primary principle. In my previous blog I shared that Christ has justified all those who come to Him in faith. Christ has reversed man’s lostn