
Showing posts from August, 2019

Saved by Grace

"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrew 4:16) I would like to take this opportunity to thank  all my followers who are reading my blog , I hope it encourages you  as it does to me . The Word of God is a true blessing to those who take time to let the Word talks to them.  My story: I was raised in a sound religious environment; I was told to obey God and  my  parents and do good. This  pattern  is replicated in  the  religions  I would embrace in my life .  I was born as a Tamil girl and did all the good works, pilgrimage, fasting and prayers and was an obedient daughter and respect the authority at school. Then I married a Muslim and followed Islam which taught me a lot of good stuffs and I followed the pillars of the religion and was fearful of displeasing Allah.  In 2010 I surrendered my life to Jesus and  accepted Him as my Saviour.  Christianity  tells  a

Holy Hatred

" The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride  and arrogance and the evil way, and the perverted mouth, I [God] hate " (Prov. 8:13) After spending time exploring fifteen characteristics of godly love in my first blog post, it might seem odd to shift suddenly to the topic of hatred. As I was studying this portion of the Scripture, I thought that it might be the wrong time to talk about this topic due to the nature of this language. Yet, the Holy Spirit confirms in my heart that He is God and I need to share the right message to follow in the footprint of Christ. Jesus hated evil and loved doing good to his community. He was crucified because he was different to the scholars and aristocrats of his time. He only obeyed his Father. So what does it mean?  The title of my message: "holy hatred" sounds like a contradiction in terms of those who view all hatred as evil. But love and hate are inseparable. You cannot truly love something an